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This credit will be applied to any valid services used during your first 61 days.


Using the Linode CLI

These introductory guides to the Linode CLI show you how to use the CLI with Linode’s most popular platforms and services.

  • Account : View or update your account information, add payment methods, view notifications, make payments, create OAuth clients, and do other related tasks.

  • Domains : View the list of domains on your Linode account, create and delete domains, and create records for a domain.

  • Events : View the list of events on your Linode account and mark events as read.

  • Linode Instances : Create a Linode, shut it down, reboot it, add a private IP address to it, view the list of available IP address for it, or create a new disk for it.

  • Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) : Create, update, and delete a cluster, and view the configuration file of a cluster. Or, create, update, and delete a cluster’s node pool.

  • NodeBalancers : Create and configure a NodeBalancer, and attach a node to a NodeBalancer or delete a node from it.

  • Object Storage : View Linode’s available Object Storage clusters, manage your Object Storage keys, or cancel the Object Storage service on your account.

  • Block Storage Volumes : View, create, attach/detach, resize, and delete a Volume.

  • Support Tickets : View, open, or reply to a support ticket.


Older CLI Versions

This page was originally published on

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